
Posts Tagged ‘interference’

If you’re still holding on to some hurt feelings or leftover issues from your past, today is the day that you need to move past them. They are clouding your thinking and causing you to think things about someone in your life right now that simply aren’t true. Are you judging someone based on the actions of someone else? This person’s role in your life is potentially very important, so you need to spend time with them today and give them the chance to show you who they really are.

Source : Yahoo, Astrology.com

This is the first time I am seeing something that is every bit true. Usually I get crappy forecasts; eaning they don’t seem to make any connection anywhere in my life. Neither do they even seem to unfold… Haha… Now don’t start contemplating that I do this all the time. Today is 29th Feb! and yea, Occassionally I do glance through after the day is over to see if anything did happen as stated… But today, it just stole the words of my inner heart… hmm… Astrolgy forecasts do hit the bulls eye once in a blue moon 😀

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