
Posts Tagged ‘granted’

In this world, “Thank You,” “Please,” “Sorry” has all become non existent in families. When was the last time you said any one them to your close ones? And have you noticed how freely we tend to use these words in the outside world. Be it friends or colleagues. We are never shy from using a “Thank you” or “Please” to the circle outside family. Why is this?

 Why do we take family for granted? Is it because there is a definite relationship? Say it or not, our spouse and kids will be there anyways. Is it because they mean less to us? Is it because we just can’t be bothered? Is it because it is their duty to do whatever they do for us? Is it because we think they do not need the recognition?

Say a word of thanks to your wife when she serves you dinner. You may not mean it but that gesture itself would mean a lot to your spouse.

Say a word of apology to your kids if you shout at them. You may not mean this but it would make a great difference for your child.

Please make yourself a promise; to always treasure your family. 

 Wahi… with lots of love and Thanks 😀

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