
Posts Tagged ‘virtual reality’

Miss Bimbo Internet game: Well, the name of it sounds not quite right to me. I do not find it appealing either. However, it is quite dangerous to girls of tender ages. This website claims to be the first virtual fashion game. And recently, it has caught the attention of the media, eating disorders organization and concerned parents. Rightfully so, as the message that is being passed to these kids are relatively dangerous. Relative to playing games such as handheld virtual pets; neopets.

The aim is the same. To keep the bimbo / pet alive, healthy and well. However, the bimbo game is going overboard in its offerings such as diet pills and plastic surgery. This is not wrong in itself as these things are available in the market. However, the target age group is a big concern. Girls at the age of 8 and 9 are hooked to the game. Are they even able to distinguish between reality and virtuality in the first place?

The message that they would be getting is unthinkable. Kids are vulnerable and even scenes such as smoking, drinking and mild violence is not recommended for them. This game site is sending even dangerous signals to the kids playing the game. The rising expectations, the role models, fashion magazines are doing enough damage already. The emphasis on the “thin is in” notion and emphasis on the looks are already putting the strains on fragile minds. We do not need one more adding to the woe.  

Being the greatest bimbo does not appeal to me. However, the kids are not as matured as an adult in making the right choices or even appreciating the difference between virtual and real. Take care of your kids. Give them your time and influence them into good things and impart virtues and values that are everlasting. Take care of them.

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