
Posts Tagged ‘baby’

Hey there… I’ve been writing on a lot of parenting related articles lately. A brief snap is provided here and if you want to read more, pls follow the link.

Be careful  of your behavior in front of your child

You think that your child is innocent and is still has not developed to a stage yet where they are able to reason things. Well, think better as nowadays, kids are much more attentive and smarter than we used to be.


Baby proof your home!

Well, if you have a baby, you would know what I am talking about. It takes only a second to find yourself in a new world once your baby arrives. And as start to feel accustomed and ready, you would realise that you are at it again. Your child grows at a phenomenal pace and you need to be a superwoman/man to be bale to keep you sane!… Here are some tips that could save you some time and energy!


Breastfeeding Successfully

If you are a first time mom, you would need all the help you could get and if you are pass that stage, it doesn’t hurt to freshen that knowledge. Do read on on how to hold your baby while feeding and how you could breeze through the tiring process


Breastfeeding made easy

We live in a world where anything and everything is automated. Well, then wy not get some gadgets to help you ease the frustrations of breastfeeding. Also, tips on dressing etc.


As I write more on parenting issues, will keep this post updated…. Do visit back from time to time…

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I found a very cute article while I was googling “Pampers.” It’s quite informative but it tickles you with the way it is written. I found it informative; yes but is there a necessity to feel this paranoid travelling to India with an infant?


I went to India when Saniyah was 2.5 months old. She did have fever and cold which did not stop till she came back. Once she was back in Singapore, she was perfectly well :D. Well, it does pay to be handy and careful. Have a good read and if you plan to visit India with your child, or any other country for that matter, do check with your relatives what the weather is like first 😉

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It’s just amazing how much yrs have whizzed past… I am not even able to pinpoint any valentine’s day that I hae really enjoyed!… Then one day I am married and spent 2 valentines’ with my better half… still something is amiss… what exactly am I supposed to be feeling on a valentine’s day!… haha… All that I am able to image stream when I think about Love is my lil daughter, Saniyah! …

 She came last September; on the very b’day of mine… seemed to me like a b’day gift from God on my silver jubilee yr!…. She was soo small!… so tender…. every now and then I picture back, I can see very clearly, her half open eyes looking at me as she lay in  her pram. It’s hard to explain the feeling but I would say, I was very very very happy :D… All that enduring hrs, days, weeks and months have paid off…

This leap yr, I’m looking forward to a NEW VALENTINE, my daughter. And I know, this valentine’s day, I will remember, forever.

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