
Posts Tagged ‘alone’

I had a conversation with my home mates today. That makes up my sis, mom and maid. I asked thm if they would like to go out shopping alone or with someone. All of them replied that they would rather go out with someone. I was expecting this answer but still I felt I will be able to find someone who share the same view as mine.

 I love to go out alone. I mean, not all the time but mostly. I prefer the shopping aspect to be truly a personal experience. As long as I can remember, I have been like that. Am I an introvert? Yes, to a certain extent. That does not mean that if you out me in the middle of a class of 100 and demand a presentation, I’d break into sweat. Nope. Not at all. I love the attention I get as well. But somehow, shopping is my own private area.

 Any type of shopping, be it for clothes, groceries, perfumes. I prefer this as I want to make my own decisions. Not get influenced into buying something because the other person feels so. Also, I prefer the exploring part. I love to try on the things I feel like trying on, without any eyes prying on me to tell me later that I made the wrong or the bad choice. And I window shop quite a lot. Why waste someone else’s time as well should they have obliged to come with me rather than want to come with me? I do not like to rush with the shopping as my experience has been such that whenever I got out with someone, they have a deadline to catch or someone to meet. Well, I do not want the disappointment that comes with that. And the list goes on as to why I prefer shopping alone.

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